About Jonestech

Jonestech specializes in freelance web development and graphic design services to a variety of clientele. We offer consultation services, implementation, and we produce deliverables as digital files, such as webpages (e.g. HTML Documents) and graphics (e.g. SVG Images). Jonestech was launched in 2021 in response to the pandemic to help business owners strengthen their online presence and provide the capabilities to transact through the web.

Why JonesTech?

Salespitchy paragraph

The User-Focused Approach

Salespitchy paragraph (this one summarizes the approach of idealizing user perspectives in development processes).

More about JonesTech

The Name

Keeping up with the Joneses? Nah fam; Keep up with the web development!

This phrase, “Keeping up with the Joneses,” is part of American culture, and describes the phenomenon of keeping up with the status quo. This is because Jones is one of the most common surnames. Having such a common name, and being part of a large family, We Joneses have often lost ties to our exact origin, but the mystery is part of the inspiration and desire to stand out and be unique, while also retaining an original, authentic identity. We seek to go beyond the status quo with our work.

The Theme

Jones is a name of Welsh descent, and many fantastic legends and tales come from Wales: such as King Arthur. As a developer who was first inspired by video games, namely RPGs that were inspired by Arthurian Legend, the Jonestech theme was designed with all of this in mind, with a certain branding quality in mind.

About The Developer: Nathan Jones

Nathan brings over a decade of development experience to the table along with unique perspective from a prior career outside of the tech industry, in the fields of education, healthcare, and human services. In addition, he has participated in advisory groups on large-scale software implementations to provide subject matter expertise on software testing, go-live readiness, and process mapping.

A graduate of The University of South Dakota having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, Nathan triple majored in English, German, Secondary Education, and minored in Fine Arts. He participated in a foreign exchange program in Germany as part of undergraduate studies. Outside of formal education, since childhood, Nathan has long pursued self-learning of various subjects, including computer science and programming languages, additional foreign languages, and linguistics.

How did Nathan get into Web Development? A first-hand account

Before I learned to code, I was just a teen who, if left to his own devices, simply wanted to make his own video game. Like many developers, I was inspired by video games I enjoyed in my youth. I had conceptualized my own ideas, sketched my own characters, and I just needed to learn how to do that one programming thing. So I did it. I wrote my first event script, and watching it in action had a profound impact on me that I couldn’t quite articulate back then.

I’ve since come to find that it was the synergy of shifting perspectives from user to developer that gave me goosebumps while watching my code run on the screen. It wasn’t something I anticipated, nor something I could articulate at that time, but it became the driving force behind my motivation and curiosity in tech. I discovered the capacity to think critically about the games I enjoyed in order to recognize successful design patterns. I grew aware of what details were not user friendly. I pondered what risks/decisions were made as part of production. I listened when someone complained about games they disliked. I speculated how a concept could be improved upon. I became a self-critic of my unfinished ideas. Most importantly, I realized what I truly love to do, and it had more to do with the process than the product. It boils down to the way the results were achieved.